2018 China Water Heater Market Analysis and Development Prospects -- Summary

Aug. 10,2018

In 2017, the total water heater market exceeded 40 million units, with sales reaching 66.8 billion RMB, a year-on-year increase of 9.7%. In the past decade, the compound growth rate exceeded 10%. In the past ten years, the compound growth rate of the industry has led the overall situation of home appliances. There are three main reasons for the formation of strong supporting factors:

There are three main reasons for strong support factors

First, there is still much room for improvement in the penetration rate of water heaters. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of urban households has reached 86pcs per 100 households, while the number of rural households is 53. The average has not yet reached one piece per household. User demand is the influencing factor on the one hand, such as the unique bathhouse culture in the northern region; on the other hand, housing conditions are the main reason. It is well known that water heaters need the necessary installation environment, such as water supply and ventilation, load-bearing wall/ground line/reserved pipe position, etc.

Second, with the construction of urbanization and the construction of new rural areas, the living environment of users is improving. For example, the Zijin County Water Supply Project in Guangdong Province, the natural gas pipeline construction in Julu County, Hebei Province, and the construction of natural gas pipelines, the water supply and ventilation to ensure the installation and use environment of the water heater.

Third, the user's rigid needs, new homes bring a lot of new purchases. In addition, the rental market is also another point.